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Safeguarding Policy

1. Introduction


Creative Heritage is committed to safeguarding the welfare and well-being of all individuals involved in our activities and projects, including but not limited to staff, volunteers, participants, and visitors. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment and provides guidance on identifying and responding to safeguarding concerns.


2. Principles


Creative Heritage adheres to the following safeguarding principles:


  • Everyone has the right to feel safe, respected, and protected from harm.

  • All individuals have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of others.

  • Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility within our organisation.

  • We will work in partnership with relevant authorities and organisations to address safeguarding concerns.


3. Responsibilities


Designated Safeguarding Officer: Aneta Kokalanova

Creative Heritage appoints a designated safeguarding officer responsible for overseeing safeguarding policies and procedures, providing guidance, and acting as a point of contact for safeguarding concerns.


Training: We will ensure that all staff and volunteers are trained in recognising and responding to safeguarding concerns and are aware of our safeguarding policy.


Reporting: Anyone with concerns about safeguarding issues should report them immediately to the designated safeguarding officer.


Confidentiality: We will handle safeguarding concerns with sensitivity and maintain confidentiality, sharing information only with relevant parties and authorities as necessary.


4. Procedures


Creative Heritage will implement the following procedures to safeguard individuals:


  • Conduct appropriate background checks for staff and volunteers who work with vulnerable individuals.

  • Create and maintain a safe physical environment for activities and events.

  • Develop clear guidelines and codes of conduct for staff, volunteers, and participants.

  • Provide accessible channels for reporting safeguarding concerns.

  • Collaborate with local authorities and relevant agencies in addressing safeguarding concerns and incidents.


5. Responding to Concerns


In the event of a safeguarding concern, Creative Heritage will:


Act promptly to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual(s) involved.

Follow appropriate reporting procedures, including notifying relevant authorities if necessary.

Provide support to those affected by the concern.

Maintain accurate records of safeguarding concerns and actions taken.


6. Review and Monitoring


This safeguarding policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains effective and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


7. Contact Information


Designated Safeguarding Officer: Aneta Kokalanova

Contact Email:


Date of Last Review: 30 August 2023

Next Review Date: 30 August 2024

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